Before and After School Care

     We understand the needs of families for childcare when moms and/or dads work full-time. That is why all DCS students in preschool through sixth grade will have the opportunity to attend the Before/After School Care Program. Registration is automatic with your DCS registration. Weekly schedules are appreciated, but not necessary.

     The Before School Care Program is available by appointment only. It opens at 6:30am and ends at 7:45am. Any student arriving to school before 7:45 am will be charged for the full hour of Before School Care.

     The After School Care Program begins at 3:10pm, following the end-of-the-school-day pickup. Any student not picked up by 3:10pm, will automatically go to the After School Care Program. After School Care for Preschool students will begin at 2:40pm. Please submit after school care schedules to your child's teacher and the DCS office in advance.

     During the DCS After School Care Program, students will have a snack, homework time, play time in the gym, playground or "Big Room," games, movies, and other fun activities.

     Families will be billed weekly, and are expected to pay weekly through the DCS office. 

     After School Care closes promptly at 5:30 pm. Students should be picked up from the "Big Room" (Lunch Room). There will be a $1.00 per minute late pick-up fee charge for parents who pick their child up AFTER 5:30pm. 

     There is no After School Care on DCS-scheduled half days.


$5.00 per hour

(Minimum charge: $5.00)