dubois christian schools
partnering with parents in christian education
dubois christian schools
partnering with parents in christian education
The 2025-26 school year
If you are interested in enrollment information, contact the DCS office at (814) 371-7395, or email secretary@mydcs.org
The latest Links and information
enrollment INFORMATION
If you would like enrollment information for Pre-K through 12th Grade at DCS ... please call (814) 371-7395 -- or CLICK HERE
DCS on Facebook
For the most up-to-date news and information on DCS, please "Like" and "Follow" the DCS Facebook site -- CLICK HERE
substitute teachers needed!
DCS is in need of substitute teachers in all grades and subjects, K-12. Please contact the school office to request an application or for more information -- (814) 371-7395 -- secretary@mydcs.org